The undisputed industry leader in higher ed admissions.

Run your admissions & enrollment office in a single, unified system.

For over two decades, Slate for Admissions has been reshaping the future of higher education admissions. We have not just set the standard, but continually raised it, providing unparalleled solutions for institutions worldwide.

Slate is more than just a CRM; it's your all-in-one platform. Our software expertly handles every aspect of modern admissions offices:

  • Application Management

  • Reading Facilitation

  • Decision Release

  • Advanced Texting Features

  • Events Management

  • Sophisticated Data Integrations

Best of all, everything comes under a single comprehensive license and cost structure. No add ons, no hidden costs - just an all-inclusive solution.

Artificial Intelligence: the future of admissions

Step into the future of admissions with Slate's cutting-edge AI-driven features. Our intelligent tools not only ensure seamless interoperability with your existing systems but also offer you the power of generative predictive text and natural language querying.

Generative Predictive Text

Our AI-based generative predictive text capability takes your admissions process to the next level. This feature allows you to generate accurate, personalized text based on contextual information. It helps in enhancing communication efficiency, delivering personalized responses and ensuring meaningful engagement with prospective students.

Natural Language Querying

Imagine querying your database as if you were having a conversation. With our advanced natural language querying, you can do just that. Our system understands and responds to your queries posed in everyday language, providing you with the exact information you need in an intuitive and user-friendly manner. Whether you want to look up specific applicant details or understand trends in your admissions data, all it takes is a simple question, just as you would ask a colleague.

Revolutionize the way you approach admissions, enabling smarter, data-driven decisions like never before.

We’re likely on a campus near you.

Supported by experts.

  • Event Landing Pages

    Event Landing Pages

    Event landing pages are distinctive and highly customizable microsites tailor-made for a wide-ranging audience, from prospective students to parents and beyond. These microsites elegantly showcase various events, such as information sessions, campus tours, and online events. Beyond providing information, they empower visitors to self-select and register autonomously, streamlining their engagement.

  • Athletics Portal

    Athletics Portal

    The Slate Standard Athletics Portal is a seamlessly integrated microsite solution tailored for athletic departments and hosted within Slate. Easily editable from an institution's database, coaches are assigned specific roles, enabling them to efficiently manage recruitment.

  • Application Status Page

    Application Status Page

    The Slate application status page is an all-encompassing portal for applicants. It offers real-time updates on application materials, where vital information such as decisions, enrollment checklists, and financial aid requirements are readily viewable. The page can be tailored with self-service tools to resonate with institutional branding and specific needs, ensuring a comprehensive applicant experience.