Reasons to Attend Slate Summit

  1. Networking

Summit is a great opportunity to network with thousands of Slate community members, which is highly beneficial when it comes to sharing ideas and troubleshooting later on. Not only will you build and extend your professional contacts, but you may even meet a colleague who will serve as a mentor or collaborator in the future.

2. Knowledge

There are so many great sessions to choose from at Summit! Sessions cover a broad range of topics and are geared towards Slate users at every level. Whether you’re looking to advance your subject matter expertise, extend your knowledge of Slate resources, develop new skills, or simply refresh your existing skillset, there is a Summit Session for you!

3. Insight

With so many institutions and partners sharing their experiences at Summit, you will gain insight on new and upcoming trends within the industry and how those can be addressed using Slate. You'll also hear about the challenges others have faced along the way and how they were able to overcome those difficulties. With sessions geared toward Admissions, Advancement and Student Success, perhaps you’ll even see ways in which other areas on campus can benefit from the use of Slate!

4. Inspiration

The conversations that you have and the sessions that you attend during Summit will likely spur a re-examination of your approach to various processes. You will be inspired to consider new ways in which your existing practices can be improved. The goal of Summit is to leave you feeling refreshed and eager to apply all that you’ve learned to your Slate database upon your return.

5. Leadership

If you are the only representative from your institution attending Summit or if you're part of a small delegation sent, use this experience as an opportunity to be an ambassador for your working group. Make sure to share what you've learned with those who were unable to attend. Lead your colleagues in adopting best practices and implementing new and enhanced processes inspired by key takeaways from the sessions.

6. Professional Development

Attending Summit demonstrates a desire to educate yourself further and improve upon your Slate skillset. It also shows a commitment to your profession and to the betterment of your institutional processes.


🎙️ Accelerate Slate Podcast: A Journey with Alexander Clark


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